Culture & Effectiveness Consulting

People drive success, culture drives people

The effectiveness of any team and organisational culture go hand in hand, it affects performance, recruitment and retention. We use practical experience and powerful data together to help our clients ensure teams work well together and share ideas, and have appropriate culture, communication and rewards in place.


What Is Culture & Effectiveness?

A company's culture is the largely unseen fabric of values, beliefs, and behaviors it encourages and breeds. Culture plays a crucial role in every aspect of any organisations success. It attracts and retains the best talent, develops collaboration and innovation, drives productivity and engagement, and shapes its external reputation. A strong culture empowers employees, and builds trust, and a sense of belonging, leading to greater satisfaction and lower turnover. Culture is the invisible force that differentiates businesses, attracting customers and partners who resonate with its values.

Effectiveness, on the other hand is how a team is structured, how they collaborate and work together, and their performance. Our team work with clients to uncover insights which show how each member of a board or team fits dynamically into a team to improve empathy, inter-personal working and identify any potential areas for improvement or development.

Our Culture Solutions

What's Now, What's Next
We work in the boardroom and beyond to understand the current culture from all corners of the organisation to identify the true state and the desired state.
Rewards & Compensation
We work with clients to maximise their rewards budget and work with their people to ensure that the rewards are delivering tangible value and are utilised appropriately.
Communication Strategies
We help develop communication and engagement strategies to help clients improve internal communication and engagment with their people.

Our Effectiveness Consulting

Uncover Team Role Dynamics
We use sophisticated tools to uncover the personality traits of each team member to improve integration of functional areas so that boards and teams work better together.
Leadership Due Diligence
We undertake leadership due diligence which helps deal teams to understand who the real value drivers are within the value-creation strategy and to mitigate human capital risk.
Drive Performance
We look at how the vision of the board is cascaded to operational leaders and make sure that those channels are driving performance and reflect the desired culture of the business.

Our Approach To Consulting

Current State

Stage 1

Desired State

Stage 2


Stage 3

Execute & Embed

Stage 4