Business Strategy

Prepare Your Business For The Now, And The Next
We're uniquely positioned to support entrepreneurs and organisations to develop and deliver their objectives. Any business needs a great commercial strategy and the right people to execute it. CJPI are unique in that we have deep experience across these two spheres. We are therefore able to develop a perfect package of support from strategy to change management.

Great StrategiesSmart Execution

Many businesses require constant change in order to stay ahead, embrace technology and optimise how they do things. This means organisations need to establish firstly what they are going to do, then how they are going to do it.

Increasingly, strategy within any business is a people-centric process - understanding the capability of leaders and wider teams and obtaining expert advice is fundamental to successful strategy and management.

We work with clients on either a retained or fixed project basis. For some clients, this consists of us being retained for advisory support, for others it involves a one-time change program. Depending on your needs we can develop a solution which delivers a powerful return on investment.

Organisational Strategy & Management Consulting

Strategy Consulting
Our consultants work across multiple industries to help you to determine what you should do. They have a range of experience to support clients with developing strategy for growth, strategic acquisitions and divestures.
Management Consulting
Once you have decided what you should do, execution becomes the next challenge. We bring together experienced consultants who are there every step of the way, creating impact and avoiding pitfalls.
Change Management
Change is increasingly necessary. We help organisations unlock the full potential of change initiatives by guiding them through every stage, from strategic planning decisions to implementation and adoption.

Strategic Mergers, Acquisitions Exits

Sometimes a merger or acquisition might be a good option to provide the growth you need, or perhaps you are looking toward an exit. Maybe you are looking for strength by merging with an aligned competitor or looking to 'buy and build' your way to scale.

Transactions of this nature, whilst potentially transformative, come with intrinsic risks and pitfalls which you need to navigate. Cultural misalignment, differing expectations and just generally 'rocking the boat' with suppliers, customers and colleagues are not insignificant risks. Deals of this nature are far more complex than accountants and lawyers on either side completing a transaction and leaving you to it.

We bring together a team of experienced leaders who have navigated these challenges before. We support you with an M&A strategy to make sure what you do aligns with your objectives - as well as post-deal integration to help make sure that these objectives are delivered operationally, reducing downside risk and helping you to make informed decisions.

Businesses Coaching Mentoring

In addition to our corporate and organisational consulting, we also support business owners and entrepreneurs. We do this through standalone support - or more commonly by packaging our experience into highly impactful one-to-one mentoring and coaching.

Having a Business Mentor or Coach on hand will stimulate new thinking and bring experience to avoid pitfalls, help grow your business and navigate challenges. This approach tends to be more suitable for smaller businesses, or when confidential one-to-one support with the founder or CEO is the primary objective. In these instances, the support required is often much more dynamic and very broad - requiring a developed skillset, a blended approach and experience.

Our Approach To Consulting


Stage 1


Stage 2


Stage 3

Embed & Monitor

Stage 4